Empty Chair, Ron Arad, Molded plywood chair with metal legs

Model Empty Chair

Image courtesy of PAMONO GmbH & Gy Modern // Available at Pamono.com

Date: 1993

Designer: Ron Arad

Place of Origin: Italy

In 1993, Ron Arad unveiled his iconic creation, the “Empty Chair,” as part of his collaboration with Driade. Crafted with meticulous precision, this vintage design masterpiece seamlessly merges aluminum and molded plywood, epitomizing the essence of minimalist and postmodern aesthetics. The chair’s color palette, featuring a blend of blonde and silver hues, adds a touch of sophistication to its sleek and timeless design.

Arad and his team embarked on a relentless exploration of materials and techniques, pushing the boundaries of design. From experimenting with ready-made and robust welded heavy metal to delving into the realms of extruded plastic and rapid-prototyping, the Empty Chair stands as a testament to their relentless pursuit of artistic excellence.

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